Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Creativity, the hard part is keeping it, right?

I know that when I am in the zone, writing everyday at the same time. The creativity never falters. I feel invincible...the writing Wonder Woman.  Sometimes it is a little bit more magical than others.  It feels more magical than others.  But it is like a well used muscle ready for me when I need it.  The problem is when the routine evaporates.  When I finish a project and then have the, "now what" feeling and the routine is over.

I know that I am not alone. Distractions exist for everyone. It is the determination that we have as individuals to go back to our art and fight through the slumps and slow periods. The slumps are a time of realizing the gap between my ability and taste.  Maybe Ira Glass has it right.  I need to write and there is no trick. It is about doing it till my talent catches up with my taste.

Excuses, talent, and judging be damned...time to write.

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